After a concert the other night I was walking around downtown with a new friend. The weather was beautiful, and everything looked so pretty that I just had to take some photos. We walked around the lake on this path you can see here. Well, I walked along the rocks on the side of the path, and was reminded of the times my dad took me there when I was little. I loved to walk on those rocks, but my dad didn't so much like the fact that they drop off into the lake. Well, I never fell off then (or now), but I did sit down on them to take this picture. There are ducks on the lake/pond, and they swim up close to the rocks when people feed them bread crumbs. So, this is my take on a "bird's eye view" of Omaha's skyline.
That city shines like a jewel there.
This is a beautiful picture!! My husband has Friday off and the kids have school so we are going to go check out "Old Town" (I forget what its called). I'm really excited to explore a bit!!! Have a great weekend!
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